"The Beast vs. Nepotism"

Films: After Earth (2013)

Alias: None

Type: Alien

Location: Mountains

Height/Weight: That of a truck.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: Oh joy bunnies, another bloated piece of guff from the mind that gave us...wait, this isn't quite M. Night Shyamalan's fault. At least, not entirely. His fingerprints are all over the place, but most of the blame can be unfortunately pinned on Will Smith for thinking that he could trust the same guy who gave us "The Happening" five years earlier, and somehow come out with a hit. Well he got one. To he and his son's careers, that is.

History: 1000 years ago, the Earth was ravaged by pollution, and humanity was forced to relocate. They ended up starting a war with aliens on another planet. We know not what they were like, but we know their pets rather well. Dubbed the Ursa (for some reason), they were the muscle of the alien force, and only those who could "Ghost" (as in, show no fear at all) could stop them. Among those people was Cypher Raige (...yes). But now, his son Kitai has crash landed on the remnants of Earth, and now the boy must fight to survive a primal world where the wildlife has taken over, and at least one Ursa got there too...

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: Kitai and the Ursa confront one another on a derelict volcano, and the former manages to shed all fear so that the beast is helpless to stop him. The young warrior kills the alien, reunites with his father, and they go back to space with renewed respect for one another.

Powers/Abilities: Ursa can detect the pheromones that fear produce. They can also cloak themselves.

Weakness: If one doesn't show any fear at all, the Ursa is totally blind.

Scariness Factor: 3-We'll give it this much. Anyone who doesn't know the Ursa's weakness will be in for a massacre when it senses you. But for the informed, this mishappen creature is a joke. Just picture a totally helpless deformed pill with legs that can't see a thing because no one's afraid of it. If anything, the whole of Earth is more of an obstacle (the arthropods in particular).

Trivia: -Oddly, Ursa is Latin for "bear". Can we just ask who was in charge of naming these things?!

-This film was infamously touted as a vanity project mostly helmed by Cypher's actor Will Smith, who was thoroughly convinced he could propel his son Jaden into stardom by putting him in the lead role. Alas, the film was heavily panned, it didn't make much back, both Will and Jaden were seen as either utterly flat and tiresome, and Will openly admitted later that this film was perhaps his greatest failure. Yes, worse than "Wild Wild West". That's how bad things got. Not even Shyamalan is proud of what he helped create.

Image Gallery

Nepotism is also a choice.

A group photo prepares to go horribly wrong.

"You know, I can sense NON-MOVEMENT too!"

One last headache before looking into the dark gritty horizon.
More green than Green Lantern!
